Making Money While You Sleep

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Updated March 25, 2024

You’re going to love this one!

According to, a California DMV employee who napped at work every day for three hours cost the state at least $40,000.

Folks, I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

Although, in all fairness, it was Warren Buffett who once said:

If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.

Wise words from a wise and incredibly rich man.

Cry all the way to the bank

Sitting at the DMV, waiting to fill out paperwork and hand over my money to a lobotomized worker bee is not my idea of fun.

But I’m not going to lie…

Racking up $40,000 while napping at the DMV is a hustle I just can’t knock. Especially when you consider that there are plenty of folks in this world who do things far worse than napping on the job — and get paid handsomely in the process.

Whether it’s a guy like Bernie Madoff hustling rich folks or a crooked cop shaking down poor folks for loose change, it seems to me that a DMV employee napping on the job is hardly something that’s worth getting all worked up about.

Of course, I say this from the perspective of an investor who has also been vilified for making money by doing things some people might find unethical.

Whether it’s investing in a website that helps adult film stars promote their brands or taking early positions in a number of cannabis stocks, I have definitely felt the cold and steady glare of those who don’t approve of my moneymaking strategies.

And you know what?

I cry all the way to the bank.

Don’t back down, double down!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all my years in the world of finance, it’s that the ideas that tend to be the most controversial are oftentimes the ideas that pay off the best.

Certainly this has been the case in the legal cannabis space, where members of my Green Chip Stocks investment community are now sitting on double-, triple-, even quadruple-digit gains from a handful of wildly successful pot stocks.

I was criticized from every angle when I first got into the space, but I never backed down. In fact, I doubled down by utilizing a sophisticated trading algorithm to hone in on the best cannabis stocks to buy at the best time.

This algorithm is called the S-50 Trigger, and it analyzes social, economic, and political patterns that directly affect select groups of stocks.

It has worked wonders in the cannabis space, where changes in policy can quickly determine which pot stocks are likely to sink and which are likely to soar.

While I’m not big on any kind of government action dictating investment decisions, I make no apologies in this case. How could I, with the S-50 Trigger helping me identify the pot stocks that have since delivered gains of 177%, 349%, even 1,366%?

Although the functionality of the S-50 is a bit complicated, using it is a piece of cake. You can see for yourself in this demo.

Of course, the S-50 Trigger can be used for more than just pot stocks. I’ve used it — and with great success — for energy stocks, biotech stocks, even digital currencies, too.

I’m not saying it’s for everyone. I mean, if you hate money, then you definitely shouldn’t use it. But if you don’t mind being criticized for building wealth while others struggle to just pay the bills, I encourage you to start using the S-50 Trigger today. Click here to get started.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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